Big Picture Thinking Internship Program


Mission Statement:

To provide students with the opportunity to work with mentors, community business owners, program directors, and professionals in multiple fields to better understand the different perspectives and meet the expectations that exist in the workforce today.

One major challenge for young people is possessing the skills and the mindset to sustain long term employment. Therefore, the focus of Big Picture Thinking is to interrupt the cycle of securing and quitting positions during the first three months of employment. In order to be a successful employee, our students must understand and put into practice the expectations of employers. It is our belief that the necessary foundation of individual financial stability is achieved through the implementation of pertinent job skills and societal values.

Students meet once a week and work on job training skills. Students develop and practice soft skills, participate in mock interviews, create a signature dish (for this group only), present the dish to a restaurant owner, and submit their resume. Supplies utilized include paper and portfolios as well as food for breakfasts and incentives. Gift cards are paid to students each time they attend.
